content1 – Friendly Homework Help Mon, 28 Nov 2022 12:54:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content1 – 32 32 Five Smart Steps to Be Successful Student in Accounting Mon, 30 Aug 2021 12:21:27 +0000 College can be a nice place to be at the same time; it can be challenging. Choosing a subject to major in is sometimes giving many students headaches. Students can tell you that their majors are easier; because they have the skills in that area while others find their majors difficult. Accounting is a subject that has a high demand. Accounting operations have changed as many items as been streamlined to aid accountants.

How to succeed as an accounting student?

  1. Read for leisureliness

Many students find themselves asking questions like: are accounting classes difficult? Asking such question means that you are not passionate about accounting. Accounting student should enjoy reading accounting books. The more you read books, the more skills you will acquire.

  1. Do networking

One of the reasons on how to succeed as an accounting student is networking. Networking requires you to not only meet accounting student but also looking for accounting professionals. Accounting student moves out of comfort zone and attends seminars and conferences to acquire additional knowledge.

  1. Conduct research

Conduct more research on accounting to know how you would define student success in an accounting course. Research the best accountants, how to get deals, and where accountancy originated. Doing research will help you get experienced, and MyAccountingLab answers will help you memorize what you have studied in class.

  1. Give yourself a break

Studying throughout college and staying up late-night explains how difficult is accounting. However, take breaks for the sake of your health. Taking breaks after performing a task helps you to stay relaxed and refreshed. Accounting student should engage in other activities such as playing games, singing, and swimming.

  1. Get certification in accounting-related programs

Getting other accounting-related certifications is one of the guides on how to succeed as an accounting student. Getting a certification in programs such as computer packages; excel enables you to be a rounded accounting student.

How to succeed as an accounting student: necessary skills

  • Ethics and morality

Accounting student success is determined by ethics and morals. Accounting requires high standards as it involves handling the world’s money. You may be required to take law classes to acquire knowledge of ethics in finance. Many corporations require students who can understand what is legal and illegal.

  • Analytical skills

One of the skills on how to succeed as an accounting student is analytical. Accounting students should possess’ skills to deal with numbers properly. Accounting is comprising of many ledgers and financial statements that require a brain.

  • Technological skills

Many students ask; how difficult is accounting? Accounting requires an experienced person to use technology. Accounting has such changes, and many things regarding accounting have been streamline and computerized. As an accounting student, take some computer courses and programming to understand how to process data.


These tips and skills are good for accounting student. Having these tips in your mind makes you an accounting student success in college and when doing it practically in the accounting field.

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Necessary Math Concepts Every Student Should Know Mon, 30 Aug 2021 12:21:11 +0000 A Mathematics concept is knowledge of the mathematics necessity of a particular mathematical relationship. The reality is that math is a crucial concept, and whether you are doing math in college or not, it is a subject that you should know because it is very important in your study. Everybody needs to know the basic knowledge of math since we use it in our daily routine.

What are some key concepts in math that students should know?

Math makes it easier for students to solve simple number-based problems. The students can add up store purchases through the math concepts, determine necessary quantities of objects, and calculate distance. There are some basic math that everyone should know and master as following:

  • Arithmetic

All learners should know the four most important mathematics concepts of Arithmetic operation. What are some of the key math concepts and applications that students should know about? The four concepts of arithmetic are as follows;

  • Addition

The addition is the first concept of basic math’s that students are taught in school. The first time math is introduced is when the students are in kindergarten. In addition, math’s is the easiest since the students are not required to memorize because it is basic.

  • Subtraction

Subtraction is the second basic math that the students are taught after additional. Subtraction is the opposite of addition. Students are introduced to subtraction to differentiate it with additional. Subtraction also does not require memorizing since it is a simple concept.

  • Multiplication

After the students have developed a complex understanding of addition and subtraction, multiplication is introduced. Depending on the student’s understanding, the multiplication concept can come as early as grade one. The student begins with a simple single-digit calculation before the problem becomes increasingly complicated.

  • Division

The division is introduced immediately after multiplication. They are introduced in that order because they relate to each other. However, division involves critical thinking as the number increases in size.

  • Decimals

Decimal is a crucial basic concept that everybody should master because it involves the calculation of money. Adults should understand notation equivalences like 0.1=10 cents. Additionally, it is important to subtract and perform addition with decimals without any difficulty or using a calculator. An example is 23.9-3.5, which ensures that one gets the correct change after purchase. Another basic decimal skill is rounding off to the nearest hundredth or tenth and estimating mentally.

  • Fractions

Fraction is widely used in constructions and at home while baking or estimating the ratio of food to be cooked for a specific number of people. Fraction is one of the basic math concepts everyone should know about as well. Anyone who is cooking using a recipe should know the significance of fundamental knowledge involving fractions. For example, suppose a certain recipe says 3/5 cup flour or 6/7 amount of water to be added. Other relevant skills may involve reducing fractions in lower terms and appreciating equivalent fractions.

  • Percentages

Working experience of percentages may involve giving a tip while in the restaurant to weather forecasts interpretation. Everybody should note that the term percent denotes something divided by 100. Another essential skill involving percentages is calculating the percent discount in the sales.

  • Converting

Converting is another critical skill every adult should know in their daily life experience—converting between different decimals, fractions, and percentages. In buying products, the consumer should understand how to establish unit rates according to the sizes of the products on offer and the usual price of the product. Other basic math skills to master include customers ordering lunch meat or cheese, usually present their request in fractions while employees measure it on a decimal scale as they serve. While interpreting graphs and charts, converting is involved in calculating the surface area or perimeter. In additional units of time, converting is used by the military to measure time.


Math is a common subject that cuts across most careers. Getting the concept right will help you understand other related subjects.

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Is Programming Boring to Study? Mon, 30 Aug 2021 12:19:24 +0000 You need everything in moderation. If you expose yourself to something for a long time becomes poisonous. For instance, you may hear computer science students claiming that programming is boring. Whether true or false, it depends on you. Programing may need you to stay on a computer keyboard and screen for long. Now that you may be staying on the computer monitor for a long, you experience burnout.

Why programming is boring?

Most people in the IT field ask this question. So, do you think programming is boring? Yes! Sitting before the screen for a long time going through lines codes, troubleshooting, a debugging can be boring and frustrating. Like other repetitive tasks, programming may be boring.

Want to find yourself saying “programming is exciting”?

Are you wondering how to make programming fun? Programming can be exciting after you attain a particle level. Like other activities like reading, programing can need some level to start enjoying it. If I want to learn programming but it’s boring what should I do?

Here are some of the tips to make programing exciting:

  • Take breaks

Though you may be rushing to beat deadlines and finish most projects within minimum time, your productivity will start slowing. You may not function with the same starting speed. Your brain will be tired, and your thinking capacity will go low. You will realize that your eyes are becoming blurred and you are not seeing the computer monitor.

When you are tired, take a break. Avoid working for long hours without having some time to relax and refresh your mind.

  • Developed a checklist for your activity

If you have a big project, break it down into subtasks. The goal is to keep motivating yourself to accomplish these small sections—Mark all the small tasks you accomplish and keep celebrating the milestones you make in your projects.

  • Listen to slow music

Music can work magic in your programming assignment. However, you should be working away from distractions while cool programming music from the background can be your great energizer, just like in the gym where rock music influences your performance; listening to good music while working on your programming assignment will improve your functionality increase your output.

While on your computer, you can tune in to your best music that will give you the energy to work on any challenging task.

  • Work away from distractions while programming

Programming needs concertation and time. To work fast and with higher accuracy, avoid rooms with destructors. Phone can be a dangerous destructor to carry in your programming room. You will forget your work and start wasting time looking at a text message or rushing to confirm a social media notification. Remember to stay focused while programing. Even when you feel bored, take breaks and come back to your working task.

  • Getting into the flow

Getting into the flow may be the hardest thing, mostly for beginners. But once you master the art after a long time of practice, you get into the flow, and you cannot focus on any other destructors while working on your project. Unfortunately, the flow comes and goes. It depends on your attention span and how you focus on the task.


Programming is boring if you are doing it in the wrong environment using inappropriate strategies. If you decide to take breaks, get into the flow, avoid destructions and play music as you work, programming will not be boring.

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Ways to Complete Homework Fast Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:49:33 +0000 Most students are struggling to complete their assignments on time. Numerous things hinder learners from finishing their homework fast. Some choose to check their social media platform, play games, or watch things online. They end up wasting time and remember about their assignments when it’s too late. It is bad to assume your assignments because you want to do other irrelevant things. It is vital to find ways that can help you complete your assignment early with no distractions. If you want to finish your assignments on time, there are tricks you must consider. You have to motivate yourself because no one else will.

Master the Basic Rules

Some tips will work perfectly for you if you choose to follow them. You will be able to complete your assignments on time and remain organized. You will not use as much time as you use on a normal day. You don’t have to pay any money for you to use the rules. It will all depend on you. If you want to finish your work on time, you have to eliminate the bad habits, will you? The moment you master all the rules, you will have an easy time completing your work.

Eliminate Distractions

Numerous things make learners get distracted. Your phone is the number one distraction that you should always put all or far away from you. There is no way you can concentrate when your phone beeps all the time. You will prosper and your session to check your phone, and before you know it, you end up wasting a lot of time. There is no way you can leave your assignment to check your phone for 5 minutes. You will end up taking hours and afterward will not have the site to continue with the assignment. You cannot do your homework when the television is on or when other people make noise around you.

When you want to concentrate on your schoolwork, it is better to study in a different room without distractions. If you have to study in the sitting room, ensure that you turn the television off. Your response should be far away from you, from the beginning to the end of the session. If you have to listen to music, go for the instrumental ones. There is no way you can concentrate on your assignment when you’re listening to music. You will start singing along, which is a distraction. It is easy and fast to tackle your assignments when you are in a silent environment. Instead of taking an hour to complete an assignment, you will end up taking 30 minutes.

Prioritizing Tasks

Most of the students begin by handling the easiest tasks. It is a poor way if you want to complete your assignments on time. You have to start with the hardest tasks at all times. You have to work on the tough assignments when is still have the energy and full concentration. After you’re done with the classes, you need to plan how you will tackle your assignments. Planning will make things easy for you because you will not get confused when doing your homework. If you have to work on a dissertation paper, you need to know the amount of time you will complete the work. It allows you to set aside time for all your assignments and the rest of the time you can spend doing the things you like. Remember, if you want to enjoy the process, and sure that you plan yourself.

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How to Study Mathematics: Tips Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:47:26 +0000 Do you struggle to study math? Do you want to improve your math grade? Then here is an article for you. In this article, I have covered all the tips you need to make studying math fun. After you read this article, then the math’s study hustle will be ancient history.

Your homework is not the end

Most students complete their assignments and assume that they have understood the topic. You should, however, attempt the extra problems provided in your textbook. Doing so will help you understand the concept of the topic better. You can also use online tools to find questions online. Attempt the questions and then mark them while correcting the parts that you went wrong.

Doing multiple questions helps maintain the concept of the topic. You can find online problems on the Math-Aids website or the Khan Academy website.

Study actively

Do not be in a hurry to finish the topic at hand. Instead, go through it slowly ensuring you understand every detail. Pay close attention to the learning goals present in the chapter.

Reading math textbooks can be tedious, but worth your while. It helps you understand concepts that you might have not understood in class when the teacher was teaching. You are also able to catch every detail and also memorize the steps used to solve a problem.

You can also try to read ahead of the teacher. Doing so will help you grasps the teachers’ explanation faster. Pre-reading also helps you engage more efficiently with your teacher.

Spare some time each day to study math’s

Cramming math problems for your test is never a good idea. Instead, spare some time each day to do some questions. The time spent on extra math problems should be separate from the time used to do your homework.

You can try using flashcards to make the study sessions even more interesting. One side can have the problem while the other side has the solution.

Clearly defined working

Make sure your work is visible and easy to follow. Doing so will help you follow your work easily in case of future reference. Good working also helps you earn more marks in your exam as your teacher can follow your work easily. You also get to catch simple mistakes that would have made you lose marks.

Be keen when it comes to word problems

Word problems can be intimidating and tedious to work on. They, however, carry a lot of marks which you should not lose. All you have to do is take your time, go through the question twice pointing out crucial details. You are then required to create a mental picture of the question, figure out the formulas to use, and then work out the question. It is that easy! To make the question more realistic, you can draw a literal imagine illustrating the given problem. You can use your own unknown if they are not provided.

Reread your work

Human is to error; this common saying applies a lot in mathematics. Math errors are a lot, and you can be sure to find one once you go through your work. Capturing the errors before you submit your work can help save you a lot of marks.

While doing practice quizzes, compare your answer with your friends’ answer. If they do not match, you can try discussing to see who was right. If you still disagree, you can ask for assistance from your teacher.


Studying mathematics is not an easy feat. It takes time to master all the formulas and steps used to solve multiple questions. But if you follow the guidelines offered in this article, studying maths will turn from boring to exciting as your grades move from boring to aces.

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Ideas for Effective Test Preparation Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:43:45 +0000 If you have a test soon and don’t know what to do, you are in the right place. This article will help you prepare for your exam effectively.

  • Avoid Procrastinating and Cramming

If you are a last-minute student that depends on cramming, you are doing the wrong thing. Cramming will not help you get the good grades that you want. When you put all your energy into cramming, you will forget most of the things you read after a short time. You will sacrifice your time for nothing because you will be more confused at the end of the session. For you to grasp faster and understand everything that you’re reading, you have to sleep well. There is no need to sacrifice your sleep to read. As you know, sleep is vital. It gives you energy and makes you concentrate better.

 If you want to pass your exams with flying colors, you have to set aside enough time to read. There is no need to procrastinate because it will make you lag. You have to start preparing early so that you master every concept. The best way to do this is by finishing your homework early then later review your notes. It is difficult, but if you want success, you have to work hard. Ensure that you do not waste time because you will never get it back. Use every minute you get to do the right thing.

  • Planning your Study Time

You need to have a plan so that everything moves smoothly. There is no way you can have an effective study session if you don’t have a plan. You need to set aside time to read, that is, if you want to pass your test. You can create a flexible schedule. Most people take the time to create schedules, and at the end of the day, they end up forgetting about them. Ensure that you follow your schedule without fail. If you have a plan, it will be difficult for you to postpone your study time. After using the schedule for a while, you can decide to change it for the better. Creating a schedule is easy but following it is a problem that many people encounter.

  • Watching for Clues

Teachers have different methods of preparing students for exam questions. You have to be very attentive in class so that you listen to everything the teacher says. If there are any clues, take your time and go through them. Do not assume any clue that a teacher gives you because you may find the same question in your exam. For you to be on the safe side, ensure that you take everything seriously.

  • Seeking Help from your Teacher

If you are not sure about the method you’re using to study, you can take your time and ask your teacher. Teachers are always ready to help the students pass their exams. There is no need to be scared because you will be spoiling your chances of passing. Feel free to ask your teacher anything that you want to know, and everything will flow smoothly. If you have problems revising by yourself, you can also ask the teacher for help. If there are questions that you do not understand, feel free to get help.

  • Punctuality on Test Day

Ensure that you reach the exam room early. It is great to be punctual because you will get more time to revise with other students before the exam. You can also read a vital concept that will assist you in your exam. Most teachers are always willing to help students before the paper.

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Merits and Demerits of Homework Tue, 06 Oct 2020 10:05:33 +0000 Assigning homework to students is a common practice in schools all over the world. In as much as educators advocate for home assignments, there are some strong arguments against it. Should homework be banned or allowed? This article lists out strong reasons homework should be banned and convincing arguments for reasons students should be assigned homework.

Reasons why homework should be banned

  1. Homework makes learning monotonous

Think about it; children learn in the classroom for up to six hours daily. Another two hours of homework after school hours are over feels like punishment. Even from history, the person who invented homework created it as a punishment for his students. What do children need after school? It is simple! They need the time to relax, watch TV, play video games, spend time with their friends, or even do nothing.

  1. Distracts students from preparing for tests

Assigning home tasks makes students wonder whether they should focus on homework or prepare for the tests. Lengthy home tasks just like video games, TV, friends e.t.c distract students. This puts them at risk of underperforming in a session. Therefore, homework should be banned so students can concentrate on tests and have better grades.

  1. It affects children’s health

Educators that advocate for homework ignore its deteriorating effect on the child’s brain. Homework puts too much pressure on kids and affects their mental health. This is a good reason homework should be banned.

  1. It does not allow students to have time for other activities

Homework prevents students from living a larger life where they juggle internships, after-class activities, or part-time jobs. Homework makes them worn out leaving them with no enthusiasm for other activities.

  1. Homework leaves students to perform tedious tasks without professional help

Homework should be banned because, in reality, it leaves students with a bulk of lessons teachers are supposed to teach. Unfortunately, parents and friends cannot render their assistance for every task. These home tasks become burdensome and almost impossible to complete. Those students are bound to fail.

Reasons homework should not be banned

  1. Regulates the recommended screen time

The advisable screen time is an average of 3 hours daily. Staying too long watching TV is harmful to sight and could encourage laziness. A student that has no after-class task spends almost eight hours in front of the TV daily.

  1. It teaches children how to manage time

Everybody, both men and women, adults and kids must have time management skills. Homework teaches students how to complete tasks and do other activities within the 24 hours they have in a day Hence, schools should not ban homework because it teaches children how to multi-task and manage time efficiently.

  1. Helps with critical thinking

Working on extra tasks after class is a great way to boost memory. Homework should not be banned because it helps students to think critically. This makes it easy for them to come up with solutions whenever there is a problem.

  1. Prepares children for lifelong independence

Children are dependent on their parents and teachers. However, homework teaches them to work on tasks without external college assignment help. They obtain more freedom while discovering their weaknesses and strengths.

  1. Improves research skills of children

Homework is important to teach children how to conduct in-depth research to do their assignments. They learn how to gather information from books, libraries, and the internet.

Should homework be banned or not? Final Judgment

Everything that has advantages will have disadvantages. This article highlights five merits and five demerits of after-class tasks. A majority of students in tertiary institutions recognize the benefits of home tasks. All students should find the motivation to do their homework because homework plays an important role in the learning process. However, contact writing professionals if find it challenging to do your home tasks.

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